The Hoosier Energy portfolio has grown and diversified to meet member needs and manage risk.


Changes from 2000 to 2020


• Increased portfolio size (in MW) about 41 percent between 2000 and 2020.


• Established target of 10% renewables by 2025, which resulted in the addition of wind, solar, landfill gas, and hydro resources.


• Added natural gas resources to lessen coal dependency.


• Added purchased power agreements to shift operating risk.


• Established MISO market, which provides price transparency, reserve sharing, and facilities financial hedging.



Expected changes from 2020 to 2030


• Board adopted long-range resource plan that contemplates Merom retirement in 2023.


• This decision was made after year-long stakeholder process with the Board to fully explore all options and based upon the following Board-established criteria: wholesale rates, rate stability, resource diversity, sustainability, and employee impacts.


• Replacement resources are expected to include a combination of wind, solar, natural gas, and purchased power.


• Increase market reliance in recognition of low-price environment.


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